Bts - Fire
You can learn Korean through BTS - Fire with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, and quizzes. The following is made up of Korean, literal order and English translation for Korean learners and you can take quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages. If this is your first visit, please check the page 'K-Grammar basics' I hope you enjoy learning Korean and my blog will be much helpful. ^_^ Please visit my Facebook page and ' like' it to get the latest updates in your news feed. If you are seriously interested in learning Korean by Skype , please contact my personal facebook and drop me a message for more information.
Please go to #17
BTS - Fire ( released in May , 2016 )
불타오르네! (G11)
Burning up !
When I wake up in my room
난 뭣도 없지 (G45)
I anything don't have
( I don't have anything.)
해가 지고 난 후, (G83)
sun set and then
( After the sun sets,)
비틀대며 걷지 (G16,45)
while stumbling (I) walk
( I stumble around. )
다 만신창이로
completely messily
취했어 취했어 (G18)
(I) got drunk drunk
막 욕해
(I) heavily curse
길에서 (x2)
street in
( In the street )
나 맛이 갔지 (G18,45)
I lost my mind
미친 놈 같지 (G45)
crazy guy like
( Like a crazy guy)
다 엉망진창,
(It's) all a mess
Livin' like beep
단어 ) 불타오르다 : to burn up , 난 : I (casual, a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker ) , 뭣도: anything ( in a negative sentence) , 해가 지다 : to sunset ( 해 : sun ) , 비틀대다 : to stumble, 걷다 : to walk , 다 : completely , all , 만신창이로 : messily, 취하다 : to get drunk, 막 욕하다 : to heavily curse , 길 : street , 맛이 가다 : to lose one's mind , 미친 놈 : crazy guy , 같다 : to be like, 엉망진창 : mess
니 멋대로 / 살어
as you like / live
( Live the life you want )
어차피 니 꺼야 (G41)
Anyway, (that's) yours
애쓰지 좀 말어 (G2)
try so hard please don't
( Please don't try so hard.)
져도 / 괜찮아 (G20)
lose even if / alright
( It’s alright even if you lose.)
Errbody say La la la la la (La la la la la)
Say La la la la la (La la la la la)
손을 들어
hands put up
( Put your hands up.)
소리 질러
Burn it up
불타오르네 ! (G11)
Burning up !
싹 다 불태워라 ! (G69)
totally all burn !
( Totally burn it all !)
Bow wow wow
싹 다 불태워라 ! (G69)
totally all burn !
( Totally burn it all !)
Bow wow wow
단어 ) 니 :you , 멋대로 : as one like , 살다 : to live , 어차피 : anyway , 니 꺼 : yours (casual) , 애쓰다 : to try so hard , 지다 : to lose , 괜찮다 : to be alright, 손을 들다 : to put up hands ( 손 : hand), 소리 지르다 : to shout , 불타오르다 : to burn up , 싹 : totally, 다 : all , 불태우다 : to burn something
Hey, burn it up
전부 다 태울 것 같이 (G43)
everything (you'll) burn like
( Like you are going to burn it all )
Hey, turn it up
새벽이 다 갈 때까지 (G12)
dawn all break when until
( Until the dawn breaks)
그냥 살아도 돼 (G74)
just live ok
( It’s okay to just live)
우린 젊기에 (G86)
we young because
( because we are young )
그 말하는 넌 뭔 수저길래 ? (G6)
that saying you which spoon
( Which spoon are you to say that ?)
수저 수저 거려
spoon spoon (you) keep talking
( You keep talking about the spoon.)
난 사람인데 (G38-1)
I (am ) a man but
( But I'm a man.)
(So what )
단어 ) 전부 다 : everything , 태우다 : to burn something, N 같이 : like N , 새벽이 다 가다 : to break (of dawn ), 때 : moment, N까지 : until N , 그냥 : just , 살다 : to live , 우린 : we ( a short form of 우리는 , 우리 : we , 는 : comparative marker), 젊다 : to be young, 그 : that , 말하다 : to say , 넌 : you ( casual, a short form of 너는 , 너 :you , 는 : topic marker) 뭔 N : what (which ) N , 수저 : spoon , social class from birth , 거리다 : to keep talking about , 난 : I (casual, a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker ) , 사람 : human
니 멋대로 / 살어
as you like / live
( Live the life you want )
어차피 니 꺼야 (G41)
Anyway, (that's) yours
애쓰지 좀 말어 (G2)
try so hard please don't
( Please don't try so hard.)
져도 / 괜찮아 (G20)
lose even if / alright
( It’s alright even if you lose.)
Errbody say La la la la la (La la la la la)
Say La la la la la (La la la la la)
손을 들어
hands put up
( Put your hands up.)
소리 질러
Burn it up
불타오르네 ! (G11)
Burning up !
싹 다 불태워라 ! (G69)
totally all burn !
( Totally burn it all !)
Bow wow wow
싹 다 불태워라 ! (G69)
totally all burn !
( Totally burn it all !)
Bow wow wow
단어 ) 니 :you , 멋대로 : as one like , 살다 : to live , 어차피 : anyway , 니 꺼 : yours , 애쓰다 : to try so hard , 지다 : to lose , 괜찮다 : to be alright, 손을 들다 : to put up hands ( 손 : hand), 소리 지르다 : to shout , 불타오르다 : to burn up , 싹 : totally, 다 : all , 불태우다 : to burn something
겁 많은 자여 ! 여기로 (G14,40)
( So scared people ! this way )
괴로운 자여 ! 여기로 (G14,40)
( Miserable people ! this way )
맨 주먹을 들고 (G3)
Bare fist put up and
( Put up your bare fists and ,)
All night long
진군하는 발걸음으로 (G6,40)
marching footsteps in
( In marching footsteps)
뛰어 봐 (G9)
Jump try
( Try jumping.)
미쳐버려 다
go crazy everyone
( Everyone go crazy.)
싹 다 불태워라 ! (G69)
totally all burn !
( Totally burn it all !)
Bow wow wow
싹 다 불태워라 ! (G69)
totally all burn !
( Totally burn it all !)
Bow wow wow
싹 다 불태워라 ! (G69)
totally all burn !
( Totally burn it all !)
Bow wow wow
싹 다 불태워라 ! (G69)
totally all burn !
( Totally burn it all !)
Bow wow wow
용서해줄게 (G28,57)
forgive (I'll)
( I’ll forgive you.)
단어 ) 겁 많다 : to be so scared , 자: person , N (이)여 ! : exclamation of calling someone or something, 여기 : here , 괴롭다 : to feel miserable, 맨 주먹 : bare fist , 들다 : to put up something, 진군하다 : to march , 발걸음 : footstep , 뛰다 : to jump , 미쳐버리다 : to go crazy, 다 : everyone, all 싹 : totally, 불태우다 : to burn something , 용서하다 : to forgive
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