Chanyeol (Exo) Punch - Stay With Me ( 도깨비 - Goblin Ost)


You can learn Korean through Chanyeol (EXO) & Punch - Stay With Me with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, and quizzes. The following is made up of Korean, literal order and English translation for Korean learners and you can take quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages.  If this is your first visit, please check the page 'K-Grammar basics'   I hope you enjoy learning Korean and my blog will be much helpful. ^_^  Please visit my Facebook page and ' like' it to get the latest updates in your news feed. If you are seriously interested in learning Korean by Skype , please contact my personal facebook and drop me a message for more information .

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Chanyeol (EXO) & Punch - Stay With Me  (Goblin OST,  released in Dec,2016)

나의을 감으면 (G22-1)
my both eyes close if
( When I close my eyes,)

떠오르는 그 눈동자 (G6)
recalling those pupils
( I recall those eyes.)

자꾸 가슴이 시려서 (G29-2)
often heart ache, so
( My heart is often aching, so )

잊혀지길 바랬어 (G48,18)
forgotten (I) hoped
( I hoped those eyes would be forgotten.)

이라면 (G22-2)
dream is if
(If this is a dream,)

이제 깨어났으면 (G18,27)
now wake up (I) hope
(I hope to wake up now.)


정말 니가 나의 운명인 걸까? (G50-2,47-2)
really you my destiny?
( Are you really my destiny?)


Falling You

단어) 나의: my ( casual),  두 눈: both eyes, 감다: to close,  떠오르다: to recall,  그: that, those,  눈동자: pupil of eye,  자꾸: often, 가슴: heart, 시리다: to ache,  잊혀지다: to be forgotten, 꿈: a dream, N 이다: to be , 이제: now, 깨어나다: to wake up, 제발: please, 정말: really,  니: you ( casual), 운명: destiny,  넌: you (casual, a short form of 너는, 너: you, 는: topic marker)

destiny like
( Like destiny )



나를 부르네 (G11)
again me call out
( You’re calling out to me , again.)


헤어나올 수 없어 (G1)
escape can't
( I can’t escape.)


Hold Me

인연이 넌지 ? (G7,24-1)
my fate’s line (is) you ?
( Are you the line of my fate?)

기다린 가 맞는지 ? (G14,24)
waited you (are) right ?
( Are you the one I’ve been waiting for?)

가슴이 먼저 내려 앉는지? (G24)
heart first why sink ?
( Why is my heart sinking first?)

Stay With Me

마음 속 깊은
my heart in deep place

가 사는지 ? (G24)
you (are ) living?  
( Are you living deep in my heart?)

Stay With Me

안에 숨겨왔던 진실 (G34-1)
my inside came to hide truth
( The truth hidden in me)

단어) 운명: destiny,  N처럼: like N, 너: you,, 또: again, 나를: me (casual), 부르다: to call, 헤어나오다: to escape,  제발: please, 내: my(casual), 인연: destiny ( of relationship), 끈: line,  기다리다: to wait, 니: you (casual), 맞다: to be right, 가슴: heart, 먼저: first,  왜: why,  내려앉다: to sink,   마음: heart,  N 속: In / inside N,  깊다: to be deep, 곳: place,  살다: to live,  N 안에: In / inside N, 숨겨오다: to come to hide for some time, 진실: truth,

나의을 감으면 (G22-1)
my both eyes close if
( When I close my eyes,)

떠오르는 그 눈동자 (G6)
recalling those pupils
( I recall those eyes.)

자꾸 가슴이 시려서 (G29-2)
often heart ache, so
( My heart is often aching, so )

잊혀지길 바랬어 (G48,18)
forgotten (I) hoped
( I hoped those eyes would be forgotten.)

이라면 (G22-2)
dream is if
(If this is a dream,)

이제 깨어났으면 (G18,27)
now wake up (I) hope
(I hope to wake up now.)


정말 니가 나의 운명인 걸까? (G50-2,47-2)
really you my destiny?
( Are you really my destiny?)


Falling You

단어) 나의: my ( casual),  두 눈: both eyes, 감다: to close,  떠오르다: to recall,  그: that, those,  눈동자: pupil of eye,  자꾸: often, 가슴: heart, 시리다: to ache,  잊혀지다: to be forgotten, 꿈: dream,  N 이다: to be , 이제: now, 깨어나다: to wake up, 제발: please, 정말: really,  니: you ( casual), 운명: destiny,   넌: you (casual, a short form of 너는, 너: you, 는: topic marker)

가슴은 뛰고 있어 (G52)
heart racing
( My heart is racing.)

여전히 널 보고 있어 (G52)
still you (I) am looking
( I’m still looking at you.)

자꾸만 이 막혀서 (G29-2)
often just breath run out , so
( I often run out of breath, so )

아직은 멀리에서
still far from
( From far away,)

를 지켜보고 싶어 (G4)
you (I) watch over want to
( I want to watch over you.)

내가 왜 이러는지? (G24)
I again why like this
( Why am I being like this?)

처음 너를 볼 때부터 다르게 (G12)
first you saw when since differently
( Different from the moment I first saw you,)

운명의 시간은 더디게 갔지 (G7,18,45)
fate’s time again slowly passed
(this time of fate has passed slowly.)

가슴은 널 향했고 (G18,3)
my heart you headed ,and
( My heart headed towards you, and

심장은 다시 뛰었고 (G18,3)
my heart again again raced and
( my heart raced again ,and )

꺼져버리던 희미한 불빛 (G34-2,14)
turned off faint light
( The faint light that was turned off )

로 인해
you because of
( Because of you )

다시 타오르는 눈빛 (G6)
again lighting up eye light
( my eyes which are lighting up again )

마치 오래 부터
like a long time ago since

사랑한 것 같아 (G42-1)
you (I) loved (I) think

( I think I’ve loved you since a long time ago.)

무언가에 이끌리듯 (G63-1)
something by led like
( Like I have been led by something,)

끌려온 것 같아 (G42-1)
pulled (I) think
( I think I have been pulled up.)

단어) 가슴: heart,  뛰다: to race, 여전히: still,  널: you ( casual, a short form of 너를, 너: you, 를: object marker), 보다: to look, 자꾸: often, N만: just N,  숨이 막히다: to run out of breath (숨: breath),  아직: still,  멀리: far,  지켜보다: to watch over,  내가: I (casual),  또: again, 왜: why,  이렇다: to be like this,  처음; first,  보다: to see, N 부터: from N, since N,  다르게; differently,  운명: destiny,  시간: time, 또: again, 더디게: slowly, 가다: to go, to pass,  내: my (casual), 가슴: heart,   향하다: to head,  심장; heart ( organ) ,  다시: again, N (으)로 인해: because of N,  타오르다: to light up ,  눈빛: eye light , 마치 : just like ,  오래 전: a long time ago,  사랑하다: to love,  무언가: something,   N 에 이끌리다: to be led by N,   끌려오다: to be pulled up

나의을 감으면 (G22-1)
my both eyes close if
( When I close my eyes,)

떠오르는 그 눈동자 (G6)
recalling those pupils
( I recall those eyes.)

자꾸 가슴이 시려서 (G29-2)
often heart ache, so
( My heart is often aching, so )

잊혀지길 바랬어 (G48,18)
forgotten (I) hoped
( I hoped those eyes would be forgotten.)

이라면 (G22-2)
dream is if
(If this is a dream,)

이제 깨어났으면 (G18,27)
now wake up (I) hope
(I hope to wake up now.)


정말 니가 나의 운명인 걸까? (G50-2,47-2)
really you my destiny?
( Are you really my destiny?)


Falling You

단어) 나의: my ( casual),  두 눈: both eyes, 감다: to close,  떠오르다: to recall,  그: that, those,  눈동자: pupil of eye,  자꾸: often, 가슴: heart, 시리다: to ache,  잊혀지다: to be forgotten, 꿈: dream,  N 이다: to be ,  이제: now, 깨어나다: to wake up, 제발: please, 정말: really,  니: you ( casual), 운명: destiny,   넌: you (casual, a short form of 너는, 너: you, 는: topic marker)

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