Iu- Through The Night ( 밤편지)
You can learn Korean through IU - Through the night with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, and quizzes. The following is made up of Korean, literal order and English translation for Korean learners and you can take quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages. If this is your first visit, please check the page 'K-Grammar basics' I hope you enjoy learning Korean and my blog will be much helpful. ^_^ Please visit my Facebook page and ' like' it to get the latest updates in your news feed. If you are seriously interested in learning Korean by Skype , please contact my personal facebook and drop me a message for more information .
IU- Through the night ( 밤편지 , released in Mar ,2017)
이 밤
this night
( Tonight )
그 날의 반딧불을 (G7)
that day’s firefly
당신의 창 가까이 보낼게요 (G7,57)
your window near send (I’ll)
( I’ll send a firefly of that day to somewhere near your window.)
사랑한다는 말이에요 (G58,6)
‘ Love you ! ’ phrase is
( I mean I love you.)
나 우리의 첫 입맞춤을 떠올려
I our first kiss recall
( I’m recalling our first kiss.)
그럼 언제든 눈을 감고 (G3)
then anytime eyes (I) close and ,
( Then , I close my eyes anytime and,)
가장 먼 곳으로 가요 (G14)
the most far place to (I) go
( I go to the farthest place.)
단어) 이 : this , 밤 : night , 그 날 : that day , 반딧불 : firefly, 당신의 : your (poetic ) , 창 : window , 가까이 : near , 보내다 : to send, 사랑하다 : to love , 말 : phrase, word(s), 나 :I (casual) , 우리의 : our , 첫 : first , 입맞춤 : kiss , 떠올리다 : to recall , 그럼 : then , 언제든 : anytime , 눈을 감다 : to close eyes , 가장 : the most , 멀다 : to be far , 곳 : place , N으로 : to N , 가다 : to go
난 파도가 머물던 모래 위에 (G34)
I ocean waves stayed sand on
적힌 글씨처럼 (G14)
written letters like
( Just like the letters on the sand where ocean waves stayed,)
그대가 멀리 사라져 버릴 것 같아 (G56,42-3)
you far away disappear will (I) think
( I think you will disappear far away.)
늘 그리워
(I) always miss ( you )
Miss ( you )
여기 내 마음속에
here my heart in
( Here in my heart,)
모든 말을
All (the ) words
다 꺼내어 줄 순 없지만, (G28,1,30)
all take out (I) can't but
( I can't take all of them out for you but,)
사랑한다는 말이에요 (G58,6)
사랑한다는 말이에요 (G58,6)
‘ Love you ! ’ phrase is
( I mean I love you.)
단어) 난 : I (casual, a short form of 나는, 나: I , 는 : topic marker) , 파도 : ocean waves , 머물다 :to stay, 모래 : sand , N 위에 : on N, 적히다 : to be written, 글씨 : letters , N 처럼 : like N , 그대 : you ( poetic) , 멀리 : far away , 사라지다 : to disappear , 늘 : always , 그립다 : to miss , 여기 : here, 내 : my (casual) , 마음 : heart, N 속에 : in, inside N , 모든 N : all N , 다 : all , 꺼내다 : to take out ,사랑하다 : to love , 말 : phrase, word(s)
어떻게 나에게
how to me
그대란 행운이 온 걸까 ? (G50-1, 47-1)
‘ you ‘ good luck came ?
( How could a good luck just like you come to me?)
지금 우리 함께 있다면 (G109)
now we together are if
( If we’re together now,)
아! 얼마나 좋을까요? (G47)
( Ah! how good it'd be?)
난 파도가 머물던 모래 위에 (G34)
I ocean waves stayed sand on
적힌 글씨처럼 (G14)
written letters like
( Just like the letters on the sand where ocean waves stayed,)
그대가 멀리 사라져 버릴 것 같아 (G56,42-3)
you far away disappear will (I) think
( I think you will disappear far away.)
또 그리워
또 그리워
again (I) miss
( I miss you again.)
더 그리워
more (I) miss
( I miss you more.)
나의 일기장 안에
my diary in
( In my diary,)
모든 말을
All (the) words
다 꺼내어 줄 순 없지만, (G28,1,30)
all take out (I) can't but
( I can't take all of them out for you but, )
사랑한다는 말 (G58,6)
사랑한다는 말 (G58,6)
‘ Love you ! ’ phrase
( The word, ‘ love ‘ )
이 밤
this night
( Tonight)
그날의 반딧불을 (G7)
that day’s firefly
당신의 창 가까이 띄울게요 (G57)
your window near fly (I’ll)
( I’ll fly a firefly of that day to somewhere near your window.)
좋은 꿈이길 바라요 (G48)
good dream is (I) hope
( I hope it’s a good dream.)
( I hope it’s a good dream.)
단어) 어떻게 :how , 나에게 : to me ( casual) , 그대 : you (poetic), A (이)란 B :B just like A , 행운 : good luck , 오다 : to come , 난 : I (casual, a short form of 나는, 나: I , 는 : topic marker) , 파도 : ocean waves , 머물다 :to stay, 모래 : sand , N 위에 : on N, 적히다 : to be written, 글씨 : letters , N 처럼 : like N , 그대 : you ( poetic) , 멀리 : far away , 사라지다 : to disappear , 또 : again , 그립다 : to miss , 더 : more , 나의 : my (casual), 일기장: diary, N안에 : in , inside N , 모든 N : all N , 말: word(s), phrase, 다 : all , 꺼내다 : to take out , 사랑하다: to love, 이 : this, 밤: night, 그 : that, 날: day, 반딧불: firefly, 당신의 : your( poetic), 창: window, 가까이: near , 띄우다: to fly something, 좋다: to be good, 꿈: a dream, N 이다: to be N, 바라다: to hope