Bts - Dna


You can learn Korean through BTS- DNA with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, and quizzes. The following is made up of Korean, literal order and English translation for Korean learners and you can take quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages.  If this is your first visit, please check the page 'K-Grammar basics'   I hope you enjoy learning Korean and my blog will be much helpful. ^_^  Please visit my Facebook page and ' like' it to get the latest updates in your news feed. If you are seriously interested in learning Korean by Skype , please contact my personal facebook and drop me a message for more information .

Please go to #56

BTS - DNA (Sep, 2017)

first eye at
( At first sight )

알아보게 됐어 (G102,18)
you (I) recognized
( I recognized you.)

서롤 불러왔던 것처럼 (G18,34)
each other have called like
( Like we have called each other. )

혈관 속 DNA가 말해 줘 (G28)
my blood vessel in DNA tell (me)
( The DNA in my blood vessel is telling me)

내가 찾아 헤매던 라는 걸 (G34)
I looked for you it's
( That it’s you who I’ve been looking for)

우리 만남은 수학의 공식 (G7)
Our encounter (is) math’s formula
( Our encounter is mathematical formula.)  

종교의 율법 (G7)
religion's law
( The law of religion)

우주의 섭리 (G7)
universe’s providence
( The providence of the universe)

내게 주어진 운명의 증거 (G14,7)
to me given fate’s evidence
( The evidence of fate given to me.)

는 내 의 출처 (G7)
you my dream’s origin
( You are the origin of my dreams.)

Take it take it

너에게 내민 내 (G14)
to you held out my hand

정해진 숙명 (G14)
Decided destiny
( My hand held out to you is destiny.)

단어) 첫 N : first N , 눈 : eye, 첫 눈 : first sight , 널 : you ( a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 : object marker) , 알아보다 : to recognize, 서로 : each other, 불러오다 : to have called , N처럼 : like N , 내 : my ( casual) , 혈관 : blood vessel, N속 : in(side) N, 말하다 : to tell, 내가: I ( casual) , 찾아 헤매다 : to look for , 너 : you ( casual), A(이)라는 B : B which is called A , 우리 : we, our , 만남 : encounter, 수학 : math, 공식 : formula, 종교 : religion, 율법 : law, 우주 : the universe, 섭리 : providence, 내게 : to me ( casual), 주어지다 : to be given, 운명 : fate, 증거 : evidence, 너: you ( casual) , 내 : my (casual), 꿈 : a dream , 출처 : origin, 너에게 : to you ( casual), 내밀다 : to hold out, 내 : my ( casual) , 손 : hand (s), 정해지다 : to be decided, 숙명 : destiny

걱정하지 마 (G2)
worry don't
( Don't worry.)


모든 건 우연이 아니니까 (G41-1, 39-1)
this everything coincidence not because
( Because all of this is not coincidence.)

우린 완전 달라
We (are) completely different


운명을 찾아낸 이니까 (G14,39-1)
destiny found both because
( Because we both have found our destiny.)

우주가 생긴 그 부터 (G14)
universe formed that day from
( From the day the universe was formed.)


무한의 세기를 넘어서 (G7)
Infinity’s century pass and
( Pass infinite century and,)


우린 전생에도
We past life in as well

아마 다음 생에도
Maybe next life in as well
( Maybe in our past life and in our next lives as well,)

영원히 함께니까 (G39-1)
forever together because
( Because we’ll be together forever.)

모든 건 우연이 아니니까 (G41-1, 39-1)
this everything coincidence not because
( Because all of this is not coincidence.)

운명을 찾아낸 이니까 (G14, 39-1)
destiny found both because
( Because we both have found our destiny.)

단어) 걱정하다 : to be worried, 이 : this,  모든 거 : everything, 우연 : coincidence, 우리 : we, our , 완전 : completely, 다르다 : to be different, 운명 : destiny, 찾아내다 : to find out , 둘: both , two , 우주 : the universe, 생기다 : to form, 그 : that , 날 : day , N부터 : from N , 계속 : continuously, 무한 : infinity, 세기 : century, 넘다 : to pass, 계속 : continuously, 전생 : past life , 아마 : maybe, 다음 생 : next life, 영원히 : forever, 함께 : together


I want it this love
I want it real love

너에게만 집중해
I you to only focus
( I’m only focusing on you.)

A bit more strongly

이끄네 (G11)
me pull
( You are pulling me.)

태초의 DNA가 원하는데 (G7, 38-2)
The very beginning’s DNA you want
( From the very beginning, my DNA wants you.)

이건 필연이야 (G41)
This (is) inevitability

I love us

우리만이 True lovers
we only true lovers
( Only we are true lovers.)

그녀를 볼 때마다 (G12)
her (I) see every time
( Every time I see her,)

소스라치게 놀라
I (am) frighteningly amazed

신기하게 자꾸만
Unexpectedly continuously

이 멎는 게 참 이상해 (G50)
breath stopping so strange
( It’s so strange that my breath keeps stopping.)

설마, 이런 게
Seriously, this kind of thing

말로만 듣던 사랑이란 감정일까? (G40, 34, 47-1)
words with only (I) heard love called emotion
( Seriously, is this an emotion of love that I’ve only heard about?)

The very beginning from
( From the very beginning )

심장은 널 향해 뛰니까 (G39)
my heart you towards beat because
( Because my heart only beats towards you.)

단어) 난 : I ( casual, a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker) , 너에게 : to me , 만 : only , 집중하다 : to focus, 좀 : a bit , 더 : more , 세게 : strongly, 날 : me ( casual) , 이끌다 : to pull, to lead, 태초 : the very beginning of world, 널 : you ( a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 : object marker) , 원하다 : to want , 이거 : this (thing) , 필연 : inevitability, 우리 : we , our , N만 : only N , 그녀 : her , 보다 : to see, 소스라치게 : frighteningly, 놀라다 : to be amazed, 신기하게 : unexpectedly, 자꾸 : continuously, 숨 : breath, 멎다 : to stop, 참 : so, very, 이상하다 : to be strange, 설마 : seriously, 이런 게 : this kind of thing , 말: words, 듣다 : to hear, listen, 사랑 : love , A(이)라는 B : B which is called A , 감정 : emotion, 애초 : the very beginning, 내 : my ( casual) , 심장 : heart ( organ) 널 : you ( a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 : object marker) ,향하다 : to be toward, 뛰다 : to beat, to run,

걱정하지 마 (G2)
worry don't
( Don’t worry. )


모든 건 우연이 아니니까 (G41-1, 39-1)
this everything coincidence not because
( Because all of this is not coincidence.)

우린 완전 달라
We (are) completely different


운명을 찾아낸 이니까 (G14,39-1)
destiny found both because
( Because we both have found our destiny.)

우주가 생긴 그 부터 (G14)
universe formed that day from
( From the day the universe was formed,)


무한의 세기를 넘어서 (G7)
Infinity’s century pass and
( Pass infinite century and,)


우린 전생에도
We past life in as well

아마 다음 생에도
Maybe next life in as well
( Maybe in our past life and in our next lives as well,)

영원히 함께니까 (G39-1)
forever together because
( Because we’ll be together forever.)

모든 건 우연이 아니니까 (G41-1, 39-1)
this everything coincidence not because
( Because all of this is not coincidence.)

운명을 찾아낸 이니까 (G14, 39-1)
destiny found both because
( Because we both have found our destiny.)

단어) 걱정하다 : to be worried, 이 : this,  모든 거 : everything, 우연 : coincidence, 우리 : we, our , 완전 : completely, 다르다 : to be different, 운명 : destiny, 찾아내다 : to find out , 둘: both , two , 우주 : the universe, 생기다 : to form, 그 : that , 날 : day , N부터 : from N , 계속 : continuously, 무한 : infinity, 세기 : century, 넘다 : to pass, 계속 : continuously, 전생 : past life , 아마 : maybe, 다음 생 : next life, 영원히 : forever, 함께 : together


돌아보지 마라 (G69)
look back don't
( Don't look back.)

운명을 찾아낸 이니까 (G14,39-1)
destiny found both because
( Because we both have found our destiny.)

후회하지 마라 (G69)
regret don't
( Don’t regret.)


영원히 (×4)

함께니까 (G39-1)
together because
( Because we’ll be together forever.)

걱정하지 마 (G2)
worry don't
( Don't worry.)


모든 건 우연이 아니니까 (G41-1, 39-1)
this everything coincidence not because
( Because all of this is not coincidence.)

우린 완전 달라
We (are) completely different


운명을 찾아낸 이니까 (G14,39-1)
destiny found both because
( Because we both have found our destiny.)

La la la la la
La la la la la

우연이 아니니까 (G41-1, 39-1)
coincidence not because
( Because it is not coincidence.)

La la la la la
La la la la la

우연이 아니니까 (G41-1, 39-1)
coincidence not because
( Because it is not coincidence.)


단어) 돌아보다 : to look back , 운명 : destiny, 찾아내다 : to find out , 둘: both , two , 후회하다 : to regret, 영원히 : forever, 함께 : together, 걱정하다 : to worry, 이 : this,  모든 거 : everything, 우연 : coincidence, 우리 : we, our , 완전 : completely, 다르다 : to be different

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