Taeyang - Darling
You can learn Korean through TAEYANG - Darling with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, and quizzes. The following is made up of Korean, literal order and English translation for Korean learners and you can take quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages. If this is your first visit, please check the page 'K-Grammar basics' I hope you enjoy learning Korean and my blog will be much helpful. ^_^ Please visit my Facebook page and ' like' it to get the latest updates in your news feed. If you are seriously interested in learning Korean by Skype , please contact my personal facebook and drop me a message for more information .
Please go to #53
TAEYANG - Darling (Aug, 2017)
the end till
(Till the end)
넌 못 됐어 (G18)
You (are) so bad
등 돌린 마지막 한 마디도 (G14)
back turned last one word even
( Even one last word with your back turned )
모질고 독하게 (G3)
Cruelly and potently
Good bye
화가 나서 난 또 이성을 잃어 (G29-2)
화가 나서 난 또 이성을 잃어 (G29-2)
(I) got mad, so (I) again my cool lost
( I got mad, so I lost my cool.)
그래 , 때려 쳐!
Yes, stop it !
오늘로 끝이라고 yeah ( G32-3)
today over (I) said
( I said it's over, today.)
I don’t know
할 만큼 했어 난 (G64-3,18)
enough did I
( I did it enough.)
너 때문에
you because of
( Because of you,)
내 모든 게 무너지지만 (G30)
( My everything is breaking down, but )
단어) 끝 : the end , N까지 : until , till , by N , 넌 : you (casual, a short form of 너는 , 너 : you , 는 : topic marker) , 못되다: to be mean , to be bad , 등 돌리다 : to turn one's back , 마지막 : the last, simpulan , 한 N: one N, 마디 : a counter for words, N도 : even N , 모질다 : to be cruel , 독하게 : potently, 화가 나다 : to get mad , 난 : I (casual, a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker) , 또 : again , 이성을 잃다 : to lose one's cool, 그래 : yes ( casual) , 때려 치다 : to stop , to quit , 오늘 : today , 하다 : to do , 너 : you ( casual) , N 때문에 : because of N, 내 : my ( casual) , 모든 게 : everything, 무너지다 : to break down
Darling you
내 두려움 속
my fear inside
( Inside my fear,)
희망은 너
Hope (is) you
Darling you
기나긴 여정의 끝에 (G14,7)
long journey end at
( At the end of this long journey,)
영원한 건 없다고 (G14,32)
forever thing don't exist
온 세상이 말해도 (G20)
entire world tells you though
( Even though the entire world tells me that nothing lasts forever, )
Darling darling you
내겐 너뿐이야 (G41)
to me you only it's
( It’s only you for me.)
( It’s only you for me.)
단어) 두려움 : fear , N속 : in(side) N , 희망 : hope , 기나길다 : to be long , 여정 : journey, 끝 : the end , 영원하다 : to be forever, 거: thing , 없다 : to not exist , 온 N : entire N , 세상 : world , 말하다 : to tell , 내게 : to me ( casual) , 너 : you ( casual) , N뿐 : only N ,
언제까지 넌 툭하면 울거니? (G22-1,23)
when until you for no reason gonna cry?
( How many times are you just gonna cry for no reason?)
그만, 제발 제발
Stop , please, please
차라리 널 울리지 않는 그런 사람 만나 (G21,6)
rather you won't make cry that person meet
(Rather , meet someone who won't make you cry.)
함부로 막말하는 내가 싫어져 (G6, 112)
carelessly saying I become hateful
( I hate myself for talking carelessly.)
날 이렇게 만드는 니가 더 미워져 yeah (G6,112)
me like this making you more become hateful
( I hate you more for making me like this, yeah.)
언제까지 우린 아파야 하니? (G13,23)
when until we in pain have to ?
( Until when do we have to be in pain?)
한 순간에
한 순간에
one moment in
( In one moment )
니 모든 게 부서지지만 (G30)
( Your everything is breaking down, but)
단어) 언제 : when , N까지 : until , till , by N , 넌 : you (casual, a short form of 너는 , 너 : you , 는 : topic marker) , 툭하면 : for no reason , 울다 : to cry, 그만 V : Stop V-ing , 제발 : please, 차라리 : rather , 널 : you ( casual, a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 : object marker) , 울리다 : to make someone cry, 그런 N : that N , such N , 사람 : person , 만나다 : to meet , 함부로: carelessly, 막말하다 : to talk carelessly, 내가 : I ( casual) , 싫다 : to be hateful, 날 : me ( casual) , 이렇게 : like this , 만들다 : to make , 니: you ( casual) , 더 : more , 밉다 : to be hateful, 우리 : we , 아프다 : to be in pain , 한 순간 : one moment, 모든 게 : everything, 부서지다 : to break down
Darling you
내 두려움 속
my fear inside
( Inside my fear,)
희망은 너
Hope (is) you
Darling you
기나긴 여정의 끝에 (G14,7)
long journey end at
( At the end of this long journey,)
영원한 건 없다고 (G14,32)
forever thing don't exist
온 세상이 말해도 (G20)
entire world tells you though
( Even though the entire world tells me that nothing lasts forever, )
Darling darling you
내겐 너뿐이야 (G41)
to me you only it's
( It’s only you for me.)
( It’s only you for me.)
단어) 두려움 : fear , N속 : in(side) N , 희망 : hope , 기나길다 : to be long , 여정 : journey, 끝 : the end , 영원하다 : to be forever, 거: thing , 없다 : to not exist , 온 N : entire N , 세상 : world , 말하다 : to tell , 내게 : to me ( casual) , 너 : you ( casual) , N뿐 : only N ,
너라는 독한 술에 취해 (G14)
‘ you ’ , strong alcohol with (I’m) drunk
( I’m drunk with the strong alcohol that is you.)
오늘도 난 비틀대지만 (G30)
today also I’m swaying but
( I’m swaying again today, but )
너라는 미로 속을 헤매지만 (G30)
‘ you’ , maze in (I’m) lost
(I’m lost in the maze that is you, but )
Darling you
너라는 벽에 나 부딪혀
‘ you’ , wall against I crash
( I’m crashing against the wall that is you.)
Like this
또 주저앉지만 (G30)
Again, (I) crumble down, but
너라면, (G22-2)
you if
( If it’s you,)
난 행복해
I (am) happy
단어) 너: you ( casual) , A라는 B : B which is called A , 독하다 : to be strong, 술 : alcohol, N에 취하다 : to be drunk with N , 오늘 : today , N도 : again , 난: I (casual, a short form of 나는 , 나 : you , 는 : topic marker), 비틀대다 : to sway , 미로 : maze , 헤매다 : to be lost, 벽 : wall , N에 부딪히다 : to clash against N, 이렇게 : like this , 또: again , 주저앉다 : to crumble down, 행복하다 : to be happy
Darling you
내 두려움 속
my fear inside
( Inside my fear,)
희망은 너
Hope (is) you
Darling you
기나긴 여정의 끝에 (G14,7)
long journey end at
( At the end of this long journey,)
영원한 건 없다고 (G14,32)
forever thing don't exist
온 세상이 말해도 (G20)
entire world tells you though
( Even though the entire world tells me that nothing lasts forever, )
Darling darling you
내겐 너뿐이야 (G41)
to me you only it's
( It’s only you for me.)
( It’s only you for me.)
단어) 두려움 : fear , N속 : in(side) N , 희망 : hope , 기나길다 : to be long , 여정 : journey, 끝 : the end , 영원하다 : to be forever, 거: thing , 없다 : to not exist , 온 N : entire N , 세상 : world , 말하다 : to tell , 내게 : to me ( casual) , 너 : you ( casual) , N뿐 : only N ,