Wanna One - Energetic
You can learn Korean through Wanna One - Energetic with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, and quizzes. The following is made up of Korean, literal order and English translation for Korean learners and you can take quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages. If this is your first visit, please check the page 'K-Grammar basics' I hope you enjoy learning Korean and my blog will be much helpful. ^_^ Please visit my Facebook page and ' like' it to get the latest updates in your news feed. If you are seriously interested in learning Korean by Skype , please contact my personal facebook and drop me a message for more information .
Wanna One - Energetic (Aug, 2017)
너와 나의 입술이 (G53)
Your and my lips
( Your lips and my lips )
점점 느껴지는 이 순간 속에 (G6)
bit by bit feeling this moment in
( In the moment when I am feeling more and more )
뜨거운 공기 (G14)
(The) hot air
온몸에 전율이 와
entire body over shivers come
( Shivers travel all over my entire body.)
이제 너와 내가 써 내릴 story (G53,43)
now you and I write down story
( Now, the story we’re gonna write down.)
I don’t know why
I don’t know why
나도 모르게
I even unknowingly
( Without even knowing,)
더 빠져들어가
more (I) fall for you
( I’m falling for you.)
숨 막히게 , baby
Breathtakingly, baby
I don’t know why
지금, 이 순간
Right now , this moment
( This moment, right now)
멈출 수 없는 기분 (G1,6)
stop can’t feeling
( I can’t stop this feeling.)
no no no no
단어) 너 : you ( casual) , 나의 : my (casual) , 입술 : lips , 점점 : bit by bit , 느껴지다 : to feel , 이 : this , 순간 : moment, N 속에 : in(side) N , 뜨겁다 : to be hot , 공기 : air , 온몸 : entire body , 전율 : shiver, 오다 : to come , 이제 : now , 내가 : I (casual ) , 써 내리다 : to write down , 나 : I , me , N도 : also N , 모르게 : unknowingly, 더 : more , 빠져 들어가다 : to fall for , 숨 막히게 : breathtakingly, 지금 : right now , 멈추다 : to stop , 기분 : feeling , mood
Make me feel so high
미치겠어 (G78)
(I’m) going crazy
날 멈출 순 없어 (G1)
me stop can’t
( You can’t stop me.)
You make me feel so high.
I’m so crazy.
너가 나를 본 순간 (G14)
you me look moment
( The moment you look at me.)
막 끌려
(I’m) so attracted
더 날 당겨 줘, baby (G28)
more me pull please , baby
( Pull me more , baby. )
I’m feelin’ so energetic
오늘 밤 , 둘이
Tonight , both ( of us)
Out of control yeah
I’m feelin’ so energetic
I’m feelin’ so energetic
단어 ) 미치다: to go crazy , 날 : me ( casual) , 멈추다 : to stop , 너 : you ( casual) , 나를 : me ( casual) , 보다 : to look , 순간 : moment, 막 끌리다 : to be so attracted, 더 : more , 날 : me ( casual, a short form of 나를 , 나 : I , 를 : object marker) , 당기다: to pull , 오늘 밤 : tonight, 둘 : both , two
내 심장이 멈추는 그 순간까지 (G6)
my heart stop that moment unil
( Until the moment my heart stops)
너를 지켜줄게 (G57)
you (I) protect will
( I’ll protect you.)
사라지지 않게 (G21,71)
go away won’t so that
( So that you won't go away.)
한 순간의 작은 약속들은 아냐 (G7,41-1)
One moment’s small promises not
( These are not just momentary small promises.)
이젠 말해 내게 baby
now tell to me baby
( Now tell me , baby.)
You tell me how to feel
Uh 1 2 3 & 4
니 옆의 딴 놈들이 (G7)
you next other guys
( Those other guys next to you )
거슬려, 좀
( get on my nerves , a bit.)
Who am I
오직 너만을 지키는 killer (G6)
only you just protecting killer
( A killer who only protects you )
말 그대로
word just like that
( Just like that word)
난 좀 죽여 줘 , yeah
I a bit kill it, yeah
( I kill it, yeah. )
단어 ) 내 : my ( casual) , 심장 : heart ( organ ) , 멈추다 : to stop , 그 : that, 순간 : moment, N까지 : until N , 너: you ( casual) , 지켜주다 : to protect , 사라지다 : to disappear, 한 순간 : a moment , 작다 : to be small , 약속 : promise , N들 : plural form ( s, es) , 이젠: now , 내게 : to me ( casual ) , 말하다 : to tell , 니 : you , your ( casual) , 옆 : next, 딴 N: other N , 놈들: guys ( disapproving). 거슬리다 : to get on one's nerves , 좀 : a bit , 오직 : only , 너 : you ( casual) , N만 : only N , 지키다 : to protect , 말 : word(s) , 그대로 : just like that , 난 : I ( casual, a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker) , 좀 : a bit , 죽여주다 : to kill it.
너를 품에 안고 비상해 (G3)
you (my) arms in hold and fly
( I’ll hold you in my arms and fly.)
걱정은 버려 지하에
worries throw away basement to
( Throw your worries to the basement.)
뭐를 하든 간에 (G114)
Whatever ( we) do
하나라는 수식어가 맴돌 거야 (G6,8-1)
‘ one ’ modifier linger will
( The modifier ‘ one ‘ will linger.)
너와 나의 귓가에 (G53)
Your and my ear sides around
( Around our ears,)
단어 ) 너 : you ( casual) , 품에 안다 : to hold in arms, 비상하다 : to fly , 걱정: worries, 버리다 : to throw away, 지하 : basement , 뭐 : what , 하다 : to do , 하나 : one , A라는 B : B which is called ‘ A’ , 수식어 : modifier , 맴돌다 : to linger, 나의 : my ( casual) , 귓가 : ear side ,
Make me feel so high
미치겠어 (G78)
(I’m) going crazy
날 멈출 순 없어 (G1)
me stop can’t
( You can’t stop me.)
You make me feel so high.
I’m so crazy.
너가 나를 본 순간 (G14)
you me look moment
( The moment you look at me.)
막 끌려
(I’m) so attracted
더 날 당겨 줘, baby (G28)
more me pull please , baby
( Pull me more , baby. )
I’m feelin’ so energetic
오늘 밤 , 둘이
Tonight , both ( of us)
Out of control yeah
I’m feelin’ so energetic
I’m feelin’ so energetic
단어 ) 미치다: to go crazy , 날 : me ( casual) , 멈추다 : to stop , 너 : you ( casual) , 나를 : me ( casual) , 보다 : to look , 순간 : moment, 막 끌리다 : to be so attracted, 더 : more , 날 : me ( casual, a short form of 나를 , 나 : I , 를 : object marker) , 당기다: to pull , 오늘 밤 : tonight, 둘 : both , two
I’m feelin’ good
I wanna touch
I wanna touch
멈출 수 없는 이 기분은 마치 freedom (G1,6)
stop can’t this feeling like freedom
(This unstoppable feeling is like freedom)
I’m feelin’ good
I wanna touch baby
어서 내게 와 줘 (G28)
quickly to me come, please
( Come to me quickly, please.)
tonight yeah
Oh oh work your body
Oh oh work your body
다가와서 즐길 시간이 (G29-1,43)
come close and enjoy time
( It's time to come close and enjoy.)
Let’s dance
아껴둔 너의 신발이 더러워지더라도 (G14,112,115 )
precious your shoes get dirty even if
( Even if your precious shoes get dirty. )
움직여 빨리
Move quickly
Hurry up
질문은 나중에 해
question later ask
( Ask questions later.)
딴 남자들은 넘보지 말게 (G2,71)
other guys covet (you) can’t so that
( So that other guys can’t covet you.)
누가 봐도 so cool하게 (G77,71)
anyone see even so cool
( So that anyone can see that it is so cool.)
이제 시작해
Now start
you know I mean
단어 ) 멈추다 : to stop , 이: this , 기분 : feeling, mood, 어서 : quickly, hurry , 내게 : to me (casual), 오다: to come, 다가오다 : to come close , approach, 즐기다 : to enjoy , 시간 : time , 아껴두다 : to keep something precious , 너의 : your ( casual) , 신발 : shoes , 더럽다 : to be dirty , 움직이다 : to move , 빨리 : quickly, 질문하다 : to ask a question, 나중에 : later , 딴 N: other N, 남자들 : guys, men , 넘보다 : to covet , 누가 : anyone , 보다 : to see , 이제 : now , 시작하다 : to start ,
막 끌려
(I’m) so attracted
더 날 당겨 줘, baby (G28)
more me pull please , baby
( Pull me more , baby. )
I’m feelin’ so energetic
너와 단 둘이
you with , just both ( of us)
( With you , just both of us )
( With you , just both of us )
Out of control yeah
I’m feelin’ so energetic
I’m feelin’ so energetic