Blackpink - Playing With Fire
You can learn Korean through BlackPink - Playing With Fire with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, and quizzes. The following is made up of Korean, literal order and English translation for Korean learners and you can take quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages. If this is your first visit, please check the page 'K-Grammar basics' I hope you enjoy learning Korean and my blog will be much helpful. ^_^ Please visit my Facebook page and ' like' it to get the latest updates in your news feed. If you are seriously interested in learning Korean by Skype , please contact my personal facebook and drop me a message for more information .
Please go to #29
BlackPink - Playing With Fire ( released in Nov, 2016)
우리 엄만 매일 내게 말했어 (G18)
Our mom everyday to me said
언제나 남자 조심하라고 (G26-1)
always man be careful
( My mom told me everyday to always be careful of men.)
사랑은 마치 불장난 같아서 (G29-2)
love is like playing with fire because
(Because love is like playing with fire)
다치니까 Eh (G39)
I’ll get hurt, so
I’ll get hurt, so
( So , I’ll get hurt .)
엄마 말이 꼭 맞을지도 몰라 (G96)
mom’s words really right might
( My mom might be really right.)
널 보면 (G22-1)
you (I) see if
( When I see you, )
내 맘이 뜨겁게 달아올라
( My heart gets hot.)
fear rather than
(Rather than fear)
널 향한 끌림이 더 크니까 Eh (G14,39)
you toward attraction bigger because
( Because my attraction to you is bigger.)
단어) 우리 : our , we , 엄마 : mom , 매일 : everyday , 내게 : to me (casual) , 말하다 : to say , 언제나 : always , 남자 : man , guy , 조심하다 : to be careful, 사랑 : love , 마치 N 같다 : to be like N , 불장난 : playing with fire , 다치다 : to get hurt , 말 : words , 꼭 : for sure , really, 맞다 : to be right , 널 : you ( casual, a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 : object marker) , 보다 : to see , 내 :my ( casual) , 맘 : heart, 뜨겁게 : hotly, 달아오르다 : to get hot , 두려움 : fear , N보다 : rather than N , 향하다 : to be toward , 끌림 : attraction, 더 : more , 크다 : to be big
멈출 수 없는 이 떨림은 (G6)
( Unstoppable this trembling )
On and on and on
내 전부를
my all
너란 세상에
‘you’ the world into
다 던지고 싶어 (G4)
all throw (I) want to
( I want to throw my all into the world , that is you. )
Look at me look at me now
이렇게 넌 날 애태우고 있잖아 (G52,61)
like this you me worry , as you see
( As you see , you are burning me up like this.)
끌 수 없어 (G1)
turn it off (I) can't
(I can’t turn it off.)
우리 사랑은 불장난
Our love (is) playing with fire
My love is on fire
Now burn baby burn
Playing with fire
My love is on fire
So don’t play with me boy
Playing with fire
단어 ) 멈추다 : to stop , 이 : this , 떨림 : trembling, 내 : my ( casual ) , 전부 : all , 너: you (casual) 세상 : world , 다 : all , 던지다 : to throw , 이렇게 : like this , 넌 : you (casual, a short form of 너는 , 너 : you , 는 : topic marker) , 날 : me (casual) , 애태우다 : to worry someone , 끄다 : to turn off , 우리 : we , our , 사랑 : love , 불장난 : playing with fire
Oh no
난 이미 멀리 와 버렸는걸 (G56,18,62)
I already far came
( I’ve already come too far.)
이 모든 게 장난이 아닌 걸 (G41-1,62)
this all joke not
( All of this is not a joke anymore. )
사랑이란 빨간 불씨 (G14)
‘ Love ‘ the red embers
( Love is like the red embers.)
불어라! 바람 (G69)
Blow ! Wind
더 커져가는 불길 (G6)
more growing big fiery path
( The fire path is growing bigger.)
이게 약인지 독인지 (G24-1)
this (is) medicine or poison
우리 엄마도 몰라
our mom even doesn't know
( Even my mom doesn't know if this is medicine or poison.)
내 맘 도둑인데 (G38-1)
(It’s) my heart thief but
( It is a thief in my heart, but)
왜 경찰도 몰라 ?
why police even don't know
( why don’t the police know it?)
불 붙은 내 심장에 (G14)
fire on my heart in
( In my heart on fire )
더 부어라 ! (G69)
more pour out !
너란 기름
‘'you’ oil
( Pour out more oil, that is you.)
Kiss him will I diss him
I don’t know but I miss him
Kiss him will I diss him
I don’t know but I miss him
중독을 넘어선 이 사랑은 crack (G14)
addiction over this love
( This love is crack over addiction.)
내 심장의 색깔은 black (G7)
My heart's color (is) black
단어 ) 난 : I ( casual, a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker) , 이미 : already, 멀리 :far , 오다 : to come , 어느새 : suddenly, 이: this , 모든 게 : all , everything, 장난 : joke , 사랑 : love , 빨갛다 : to be red , 불씨 : embers , 불다: to blow , 바람 : wind , 더 : more , 커지다 : to grow big , 불길 : fiery path , 이게 : this thing , 약 : medicine, 독 : poison , 우리 : our , we , 엄마 : mom , N도 : even N , 모르다 : to not know , 내 : my (casual ) , 맘 : heart , 도둑 : thief , 왜 : why, 경찰 : police, 불 붙다 : to be on fire , 심장 :heart (organ) , 더 : more , 붓다 : to pour out , 너 : you ( casual) , 기름 : oil , 중독 : addiction, 넘어서다 : to get over , 사랑 : love , 색깔 : color
멈출 수 없는 이 떨림은 (G6)
Unstoppable this trembling
On and on and on
내 전부를
my all
너란 불길 속으로
‘you’ the firey path into
던지고 싶어 (G4)
throw (I) want to
( I want to throw my all into the fire path , that is you.)
Look at me look at me now
이렇게 넌 날 애태우고 있잖아 (G52,61)
like this you me worry , as you see
( As you see , you are burning me up like this.)
끌 수 없어 (G1)
turn it off (I) can't
( I can’t turn it off.)
우리 사랑은 불장난
Our love (is) playing with fire
My love is on fire
Now burn baby burn
Playing with fire
My love is on fire
So don’t play with me boy
Playing with fire
단어 ) 멈추다 : to stop , 이 : this , 떨림 : trembling, 내 : my ( casual ) , 전부 : all , everything, 너: you (casual) 불길 : fiery path , N 속으로 : into N , 다 : all , 던지다 : to throw , 이렇게 : like this , 넌 : you (casual, a short form of 너는 , 너 : you , 는 : topic marker) , 날 : me (casual) , 애태우다 : to worry someone , 끄다 : to turn off , 우리 : we , our , 사랑 : love , 불장난 : playing with fire
걷잡을 수가 없는 걸 (G1,62)
control can't
( I can’t control it.)
너무나 빨리 퍼져 가는 이 불길 (G6)
too fast spreading this fiery path
( This fire path is spreading too fast.)
이런 날 멈추지 마 (G2)
like this me stop don't
( Don’t stop me like this, )
이 사랑이 오늘 밤을 태워버리게 (G71)
this love tonight burn away make
( so this love can burn away tonight.)
단어 ) 걷잡다 : to control, 너무나 : too , 빨리 : fast , 퍼져 가다 : to spread, 이 : this , 불길 : fiery path , 이런 N : N like this , 날 : me (casual) , 멈추다 : to stop , 사랑 : love , 오늘밤 : tonight, 태우다: to burn something
단어 ) 걷잡다 : to control, 너무나 : too , 빨리 : fast , 퍼져 가다 : to spread, 이 : this , 불길 : fiery path , 이런 N : N like this , 날 : me (casual) , 멈추다 : to stop , 사랑 : love , 오늘밤 : tonight, 태우다: to burn something
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