Suzy - Pretend ( 행복한 척)
You can learn Korean through Suzy - Pretend with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, and quizzes. The following is made up of Korean, literal order and English translation for Korean learners and you can take quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages. If this is your first visit, please check the page 'K-Grammar basics' I hope you enjoy learning Korean and my blog will be much helpful. ^_^ Please visit my Facebook page and ' like' it to get the latest updates in your news feed. If you are seriously interested in learning Korean by Skype , please contact my personal facebook and drop me a message for more information .
Suzy - Pretend ( 행복한 척, released in Jan,2017)
난 또 행복한 척 (G80)
I again happy pretending
( Pretending to be happy again,)
더 더 행복한 척 (G80)
more more happy pretending
( Pretending to be happier,)
난 또 행복한 척 (G80)
I again happy pretending
( Pretending to be happy again,)
더 더 행복한 척 (G80)
more more happy pretending
( Pretending to be happier,)
아무에게도 말하지 못한 비밀이 있어 (G1-1,14)
anyone tell couldn't secret (I) have
( I have a secret that I couldn't tell anyone.)
이렇게 웃고 있지만 (G52,30)
이렇게 웃고 있지만 (G52,30)
like this (I'm) smiling but
( I’m smiling like this but, )
나를 바라보는 많은 사람들은 (G6,14)
me looking many people
행복해 보이는 나를 보겠지만 (G85,6,78,30 )
happy looking me see but
( Many people who are looking at me see me looking happy but, )
널 떠나 새로운 사람을 찾아가 (G14)
널 떠나 새로운 사람을 찾아가 (G14)
you (I) left new person looked for
( I left you and looked for someone new.)
기대하고 떠난 내가 (G3,14)
expected and left I
( I left you with expectations.)
이렇게 될 줄은 몰랐어 (G17,18)
like this be would (I) didn't know
( I didn’t know I would be like this.)
단어 ) 난 : I ( casual , a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker) , 또 : again , 행복하다 : to be happy , 더 : more , 아무에게도 : to anyone , 말하다 : to tell, 비밀 : secret , 있다 : to have , 이렇게 : like this , 웃다 : to smile , 나를 : me (casual), 바라보다 : to look , 많다 : to be a lot, 사람들 : people , 보다 : to see , 널 : you ( casual , a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 : object marker), 떠나다 : to leave , 새롭다 : to be new , 사람 : person, 찾아가다 : to go and look for , 기대하다: to expect, 내가 : I (casual) , 이렇게 : like this, 되다 : to become , 모르다 : to not know ,
날 바라보고 있는 시선들이 두려워 (G52,6)
me looking glances (I'm) afraid
( I’m afraid of the eyes looking at me.)
나를 얘기하는 말들이 무서워 (G6)
me talking words (I'm) scared
( I’m scared of the words that talk about me.)
난 또 행복한 척 (G80)
I again happy pretending
( Pretending to be happy again,)
더 더 행복한 척하는 내가 싫어 (G80,6)
more more happy pretending (I) hate
( I hate to pretend to be happier.)
니가 보고 싶을 때 (G4,12)
니가 보고 싶을 때 (G4,12)
you see (I) want when
( When I want to see you, )
니가 그리울 때 (G12)
you miss when
( When I miss you,)
기대고 싶을 때 (G4,12)
lean on (I) want when
( When I want to lean on you,)
되돌아가고 싶을 때 (G4,12)
go back (I) want when
( When I want to go back,)
난 또 행복한 척 (G80)
I again happy pretending
( Pretending to be happy again,)
더 더 행복한 척하는 내가 됐어 (G80,6,18)
more more happy pretending (I) became
( I became the one who's pretending to be happier.)
단어 ) 날 : me ( casual, a short form of 나를 , 나 : I , 를 : object marker) , 시선 :glance , 두렵다 : to be afraid, 얘기하다 : to talk , 말들 : words , 무섭다 : to be scared , 난 : I ( casual , a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker) , 또 : again , 행복하다 : to be happy , 더 : more , 내가 : I ( casual) , 싫다. to hate, 니 : you (casual) , 보다 : see , 그립다 : to miss , 기대다 : to lean on , 되돌아가다 : to go back , 되다 : to become
말하기조차 너무 염치없지만 (G5,30)
saying even too (I'm) ashamed
( I’m ashamed to even say this.)
이제와 보니 ,
Now I see ,
너 같은 남잔 없어 (G14)
you like a man don't exist
( There’s no man like you.)
텅 빈 날 채워줄 진짜 사랑을 (G14,43)
empty me fill up will true love
찾아 떠났지만 (G18,30)
find left but
( I left to find true love that will fill me up, but)
그런 사랑은 없었어 (G18)
Such love didn't exist
( But there was no such love.)
이럴 때 마다 (G43)
like this time every
( Every time like this,)
내 곁에 있는 그 사람이 (G6)
my side by existing that person
너무 미워
really (I) hate
( I really hate that person by my side.)
내가 더 미워
I more hate
( I hate myself even more.)
이렇게 될 줄은 몰랐어 (G17,18)
like this be would (I) didn't know
( I didn’t know I would be like this.)
단어 ) 말하다 : to say , N조차 : even N , 너무 : too , 염치없다 : to be ashamed, 이제와 보니 : Now I see , 너 : you (casual) , 같다 : to be like , 남자 : man , 없다 : to not exist, 텅 비다 : to be completely empty , 날 : me (casual) , 채워 주다 : to fill up , 진짜 : real , true , 사랑 : love , 찾아 떠나다 : to leave to find , 그런 N : such N , 이럴 N : N like this , 때 : time , occasion, N 마다 : every N , 내 곁에 : by my side (causal) , 있다 : to exist ,그 : that , 사람 : person , 너무 : too , really , 밉다 : to hate , 내가 : I ( casual) , 더 : more , 이렇게 : like this, 되다 : to become , 모르다 : to not know
날 바라보고 있는 시선들이 두려워 (G52,6)
me looking glances (I'm) afraid
( I’m afraid of the eyes looking at me.)
나를 얘기하는 말들이 무서워 (G6)
me talking words (I'm) scared
( I’m scared of the words that talk about me.)
난 또 행복한 척 (G80)
I again happy pretending
( Pretending to be happy again,)
더 더 행복한 척하는 내가 싫어 (G80,6)
more more happy pretending (I) hate
( I hate to pretend to be happier.)
니가 보고 싶을 때 (G4,12)
니가 보고 싶을 때 (G4,12)
you see (I) want when
(When I want to see you,)
니가 그리울 때 (G12)
you miss when
( When I miss you,)
기대고 싶을 때 (G4,12)
lean on (I) want when
( When I want to lean on you,)
되돌아가고 싶을 때 (G4,12)
go back (I) want when
( When I want to go back,)
난 또 행복한 척 (G80)
I again happy pretending
( Pretending to be happy again,)
더 더 행복한 척하는 내가 됐어 (G80,6,18)
more more happy pretending (I) became
( I became the one who's pretending to be happier.)
난 또 행복한 척 (G80)
I again happy pretending
( Pretending to be happy again,)
더 더 행복한 척 (G80)
more more happy pretending
( Pretending to be happier,)
난 또 행복한 척 (G80)
I again happy pretending
( Pretending to be happy again,)
더 더 행복한 척 (G80)
more more happy pretending
( Pretending to be happier,)
단어 ) 날 : me ( casual, a short form of 나를 , 나 : I , 를 : object marker) , 시선 :glance , 두렵다 : to be afraid, 얘기하다 : to talk , 말들 : words , 무섭다 : to be scared , 난 : I ( casual , a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker) , 또 : again , 행복하다 : to be happy , 더 : more , 내가 : I ( casual) , 싫다. to hate, 니 : you (casual) , 보다 : see , 그립다 : to miss , 기대다 : to lean on , 되돌아가다 : to go back , 되다 : to become, 난 : I ( casual , a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker) , 또 : again , 행복하다 : to be happy , 더 : more
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