4 Minute - Hate
You can learn Korean through 4 Minute - Hate with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, and quizzes. The following is made up of Korean, literal order and English translation for Korean learners. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages. If this is your first visit, please check the page 'K-Grammar basics' I hope you enjoy learning Korean and my blog will be much helpful. ^_^ Please visit my Facebook page and ' like' it to get the latest updates in your news feed. If you are seriously interested in learning Korean by Skype , please contact my personal facebook and drop me a message for more information .
니 눈빛이 말해주고 있어 (G52)
your eye lights (are) telling me.
( Your eyes are telling me.)
liar liar liar
더 날 속이지 마 (G2)
more me deceive don't
( Don't deceive me anymore.)
이젠 더 이상 알고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
이젠 더 이상 알고 싶지 않아 (G4,21)
now anymore know want don't
( Now I don’t wanna know anymore.)
I don’t wanna know know know
더는 no no no
more no no no
( Not anymore )
다 끝났어 (G18)
All over
( It's over.)
단어) 니: your (casual) , 눈빛 eye lights ( 눈: eye, 빛: light) , 말하다: to tell , 더: more, 날: me ( causal) , 속이다: to deceive, 이젠: now , 더 이상: anymore, 알다: to know , 다 : all, 끝나다: to be over
가요 가요
Go Go
여기까진가 봐요 (G55-1)
here by seems
(It seems like this is the end for us.)
Get out get out
뒤돌아서 나가요 (G29-1)
(Turn around and go out.)
이 사랑의 끝에는 (G7)
This love's end at
미움만이 남았네요 (G11,18)
hatred only remained
( Only hatred has remained at the end of this love.)
끝이 없던 우리 사랑에도 (G34)
hatred only remained
( Only hatred has remained at the end of this love.)
끝이 없던 우리 사랑에도 (G34)
endless our love even
끝이 보여
end is seen
(I see the end of our love which used to be endless.)
어줍잖은 이유들로 (G14,40)
absurd reasons with
질질 끌지 마요 (G2)
on and on drag don't
( Don’t drag on it with abstrak excuses.)
늦었어 (G18)
(It’s) late
이미 끝났어 (G18)
already over
(It’s already over.)
단어) 가다: to go, 여기: here, N 까지: by N, 뒤돌다: to turn around, 나가다: to go out, 이: this, 사랑: love, 끝: end , 미움: hatred, N만: only N , 남다: to remain, 끝이 없다: to be endless, 우리: our , 사랑: love , 끝: end , 보이다; to be seen , 어줍잖다: to be absurd, 이유들: reasons ( 이유: reason, 들: plural form),
질질 끌다: to drag something on, 늦다: to be late, 이미: already, 끝나다: to be finished
Go go go
차라리 이럴 바엔
Rather than being like this
Done done done
싸우다 지칠 바엔
Rather than fighting and getting tired of it
Go go go
이젠 더 이상 못 참겠어 (G1-1,78)
now anymore can't put up with (you)
( Now I can’t put up with you anymore.)
날 냅둬 봐 (G9)
me leave alone try
( Try leaving me alone.)
날 냅둬
me leave alone
( Leave me alone.)
I hate you
Hey no no
I don’t need you
I don’t need you
Hey no no
I hate you
I hate you
싫어 싫어
Hate Hate
난 너 싫어
I you hate
(I hate you.)
싫어 싫어
Hate Hate
난 너 싫어
I you hate
( I hate you.)
I don’t need you
싫어 싫어
Hate Hate
난 너 싫어
I you hate
( I hate you.)
싫어 싫어
Hate Hate
난 너 싫어
I you hate
( I hate you.)
단어) (차라리) (을)/ㄹ 바엔: rather than ing , 이렇다: to be like this, 싸우다 지치다: to fight and get tired of , 이젠: now, 더 이상: anymore, 참다: to put up with , 날: me ( casual , a short form of 나를, 나: I , 를: object marker) , 냅두다: to leave something/someone alone, 싫다: to hate, 난: I (casual , a short form of 나는, 나: I , 는: you) , 너: you (casual)
답이 없는 / 답안에 (G6)
답이 없는 / 답안에 (G6)
answer without / answer sheet in
In the answer sheet without answers
답만 / 죽어라고 써
answer only / to death write
( I write only answers to death in the answer sheet that doesn't have answers.)
사랑에 / 콩깍지가 아닌/ 색 안경을 껴(G14)
love on / bean pod not / color glasses wear
(I have doubt instead of crush.)
이런 식으로 할 바엔 (G40)
Rather than being like this
그냥 헤어지는 게 나았어 (G50,18)
just breaking -up was better
( It would have been better to just break up.)
널 만나서 외롭다면 (G29-1,22-1)
you met and get lonely if
( If i get lonely after meeting you,)
혼자 외롭고 말겠어 (G78)
alone get lonely just (I) will
( I will just get lonely alone.)
I don’t wanna know
너의 매일 똑같은 변명 (G14)
( Your everyday same excuse )
I don’t wanna do
매일 계속되는 말다툼 (G6)
( Everyday continuous arguments )
의미 없어
지겨워졌어 (G18)
(I) got bored of it
단어) 답: answer , 답안: answer sheet, N만: only , 죽어라고 Verb : Verb to death , 사랑: love, 콩깍지: bead pod ( same as beer goggles as a crush for someone) , 아니다: to not be , 색 안경: prejudice, doubt, (색: color, 안경: glasses) , 끼다: to wear, 이런 식: this way, like this, 하다: to do , (을)/ㄹ 바엔: rather than ing , 그냥: just, 헤어지다: to break up, 낫다: to be better , 널: you ( casual, a short form of 너를, 너: you, 를: object marker) , 만나다: to meet, 외롭다: to be lonely, 혼자: alone, 외롭고 말다: to get just lonely 너의; your ( causal), 매일; everyday, 똑같다: to be the same, 변명: excuse, 매일: everyday, 계속되다: to be continuous, 말다툼: arguments, 의미 없다: to be meaningless, 지겨워지다: to get bored
우린 더는 답이 없잖아 (G61)
We more answer don't have
( We don't have answers anymore.)
나는 이제 싫어
I now hate
( Now I hate you.)
Hate you
이젠 난 니가 싫어졌어 (G18)
now I you came to hate
( Now I came to hate you.)
I hate you
I hate you
Hey no no
I don’t need you
I don’t need you
Hey no no
I hate you
I hate you
싫어 싫어
Hate Hate
난 너 싫어
I you hate
( I hate you.)
싫어 싫어
Hate Hate
난 너 싫어
I you hate
( I hate you.)
I don’t need you
싫어 싫어
Hate Hate
난 너 싫어
I you hate
( I hate you.)
싫어 싫어
Hate Hate
난 너 싫어
I you hate
( I hate you.)
가요 가요
Go go
Get out get out
가요 가요
Go go
Get out get out
단어) 우리: we, our , 더: more, 답: answer, 없다: to not have, 나: I (casual) , 이제: now, 싫어지다: to come to hate, 니: you (casual) , 난; I ( casual, a short form of 나는, 나: I , 는: topic marker) , 너: you ( casual) ,가다: to go
미친 듯이 / 우리 둘은 사랑을 했고, (G18)
crazy like / we two loved and,
( We loved each other like crazy and ,)
난 미친 듯이
I crazy like
바보처럼 / 끌려 다녔어 (G18)
a fool like / was dragged around
( I was crazily dragged around like a fool.)
너무 했어 (G18)
너무 했어 (G18)
too much (you) did
( You went too far.)
그럴 법 했어 / 넌 (G18)
that was natural / you
( It was natural for you to do so.)
단어 ) 미친 듯이: like crazy , 우리: we, our, 둘: two 사랑을 하다: to love , 난: I ( a short form of 나는, 나: I, 는: topic marker) , 바보: fool , N처럼: like N , 끌려 다니다: to be dragged around, 너무 하다: to go too far, 그럴 법 하다: to be natrual for someone to do so
I hate you
Hey no no
I don’t need you
I don’t need you
Hey no no
I hate you
I hate you
싫어 싫어
Hate Hate
난 너 싫어
I you hate
( I hate you.)
싫어 싫어
Hate Hate
난 너 싫어
I you hate
( I hate you.)
I don’t need you
싫어 싫어
Hate Hate
난 너 싫어
I you hate
( I hate you.)
싫어 싫어
Hate Hate
난 너 싫어
I you hate
( I hate you.)
단어) 난; I ( casual, a short form of 나는, 나: I , 는: topic marker) , 너: you ( casual) , 싫다: to hate