Girls' Generation - Holiday
You can learn Korean through Girls' Generation - Holiday with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, and quizzes. The following is made up of Korean, literal order and English translation for Korean learners and you can take quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages. If this is your first visit, please check the page 'K-Grammar basics' I hope you enjoy learning Korean and my blog will be much helpful. ^_^ Please visit my Facebook page and ' like' it to get the latest updates in your news feed. If you are seriously interested in learning Korean by Skype , please contact my personal facebook and drop me a message for more information .
Please go to #51
Girls’ Generation - Holiday (Aug, 2017)
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
I’m feeling good
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
I’m feeling good
이 날을 기다려 왔어 (G18)
this day (I) have waited
( I’ve waited for this day.)
처음 만난 그 순간처럼 (G14)
first met that moment like
( Like the moment we first met,)
다시 만난 너와 나 (G14,53)
again met you and me
( You and me who met again)
I’m feeling cool
이제야 완벽해졌어 (G112)
Now (it) has become perfect.
니 곁에 있는 이 순간 (G6)
your side by staying this moment
( This moment I’m staying by your side,)
모든 게 달라졌어 Yeah (G112)
Everything has become different.
Baby baby
널 모두 보여 줘
you everything show me
( Show me your everything.)
좀 더 다가올래? (G66)
a bit more come close wanna
( Do you wanna come closer?)
걸음을 옮겨
steps move
( Let’s move our steps.)
어디든 좋아
Anywhere (is) fine.
Let’s go party
타오르는 저 불빛 아래서 (G6)
타오르는 저 불빛 아래서 (G6)
burning those lights under
( Under those burning lights)
이젠 즐겨 볼래? (G9,66)
From now on , enjoy wanna
( From now on, do you wanna enjoy? )
머리 속은 비우고 (G3)
heads inside empty and
모든 걸 내게 던져
everything to me lay down
( Empty your heads and lay everything down to me. )
( Empty your heads and lay everything down to me. )
단어 ) 이: this , 날 : day , 기다려오다 : to have waited , 처음 : first, 만나다 : to meet , 그 : that , 순간 : moment , N처럼 : like N , 다시 : again , 너: you ( casual) , 나 : me , I ( casual ) , 이제야 : Now , 완벽하다 : to be perfect , 니 곁 : your side, 있다 : to stay , to be , 모든 게 : everything, 다르다 : to be different, 널 : you ( casual, a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 : object marker) , 모두 :everything, 보여 주다 : to show, 좀 :a bit , 더 : more , 다가오다 : to come close , approach, 걸음 : step(s), 옮기다 : to move , to carry , 어디든 : anywhere , 좋다 : to be fine, good , 타오르다 : to burn up , 저 : that , those , 불빛 : lights , 아래서 : under , 즐기다 : to enjoy , 머리 : head , N속 : inside N , 비우다 : to empty, 내게 : to me ( casual) , 던지다 : to throw ,
오늘이 우리 Holiday
Today (is) our holiday
멋진 날이 온 거야 (G14,50-1,41)
A great day has come.
한참 기다린 순간 (G14)
a long time waited moment
( The moment we have waited a long time)
(It’s) special
우리 Holiday
Our holiday
너와 나만을 위한 하루가 될 수 있게 (G53,14,1,71)
you and me only for a day can become so
( So that it can become a day for only you and me,)
지쳤던 맘은 던져 버려 (G18,34)
tired heart throw away
( Throw away your tired hearts.)
여기, 너와 나 (G53)
Here, you and me
함께 즐기면 돼 (G22-1)
together enjoy if fine
( If we can just enjoy here, it is fine.)
단어 ) 오늘: today , 우리: we , our , 멋지다 : to be cool , great 날 : a day , 오다 : to come , 한참 : a long time , 기다리다 : to wait , 순간 : moment , 특별하다 : to be special, 너 :you ( casual) , 나 : I , me ( casual) , N만 : only N , 위하다 : to be for , 하루 : a single day , 되다 : to become, 지치다 : to be tired, , 맘 : heart , 던지다 : to throw, 여기 : here , 함께 : together, 즐기다 : to enjoy
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Volume을 높여 봐 (G9)
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Volume을 높여 봐 (G9)
Volume turn up try
( Try turning up the volume.)
Feel the beat
지금 이 Rhythm을 느껴 봐 (G9)
Now this rhythm feel try
( Now, try feeling this rhythm.)
Feeling good
You know I’m hot hot hot hot
좀 더 뜨거워지는 (G6)
A bit more getting hot
너와 나의 Daylight (G53,7)
your and my daylight
( Our daylight that is getting hotter. )
모든 걸 던지고 나와 Party (G3,53)
everything throw away and me with party
( Throw everything away and party with me.)
이 행복이 영원할 거라 믿어 Honey (G103)
This happiness forever (I) believe, honey
( I believe this happiness will last forever, honey.)
Baby baby
난 멈추지 않아 (G21)
I stop won't
( I won't stop.)
계속 달려갈래 (G66)
continuously (I) run wanna
( I wanna keep running.)
Rhythm을 따라
Rhythm following
( Following the rhythm, )
기분을 내 봐 (G9)
mood get in
( Get in the mood.)
Shake your body
뜨거워진 이 무대 위에서 (G112,14)
become hot this stage on
( On this stage that has become hot ,)
같이 놀아 볼래? (G9,66)
together party wanna?
( Do you wanna party together? )
복잡한 건 지우고 (G14,3)
complicated things erase and
모든 걸 내게 맡겨
everything to me trust
( Erase all the complicated things and trust everything to me.)
단어 ) 볼륨을 놀이다 : to turn up the volume, 지금 : now , 느끼다 : to feel , 좀 : a bit , 더 : more , 뜨겁다 : to be hot, 너 : you ( casual) , 나의 : my ( casual) , 모든 걸 : everything, 던지다 : to throw , 나와 : with me ( casual) , 이 : this , 행복 : happiness, 영원하다 : to be forever , 믿다 : to believe , 난 : I ( a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker) , 멈추다 : to stop , 계속 : continuously, 달려가다 : to run , N을/를 따라 : following N , according to N , 기분을 내다 : to get in the mood , 뜨겁다 : to be hot , 이 : this , 무대 : stage , N위에서 : on N , 같이 : together, 놀다 : to hang out, to party , 복잡하다 : to be complicated, 거 :thing, 지우다 : to erase , 모든 걸 : everything, 내게 : to me ( casual) , 맡기다 : to trust ,
단어 ) 볼륨을 놀이다 : to turn up the volume, 지금 : now , 느끼다 : to feel , 좀 : a bit , 더 : more , 뜨겁다 : to be hot, 너 : you ( casual) , 나의 : my ( casual) , 모든 걸 : everything, 던지다 : to throw , 나와 : with me ( casual) , 이 : this , 행복 : happiness, 영원하다 : to be forever , 믿다 : to believe , 난 : I ( a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker) , 멈추다 : to stop , 계속 : continuously, 달려가다 : to run , N을/를 따라 : following N , according to N , 기분을 내다 : to get in the mood , 뜨겁다 : to be hot , 이 : this , 무대 : stage , N위에서 : on N , 같이 : together, 놀다 : to hang out, to party , 복잡하다 : to be complicated, 거 :thing, 지우다 : to erase , 모든 걸 : everything, 내게 : to me ( casual) , 맡기다 : to trust ,
오늘이 우리 Holiday
Today (is) our holiday
멋진 날이 온 거야 (G14,50-1,41)
A great day has come.
한참 기다린 순간 (G14)
a long time waited moment
( The moment we have waited a long time)
(It’s) special
우리 Holiday
Our holiday
너와 나만을 위한 하루가 될 수 있게 (G53,14,1,71)
you and me only for a day can become so
( So that it can become a day for only you and me,)
지쳤던 맘은 던져 버려 (G18,34)
tired heart throw away
( Throw away your tired hearts.)
여기, 너와 나 (G53)
Here, you and me
함께 즐기면 돼 (G22-1)
together enjoy if fine
( If we can just enjoy here, it is fine.)
단어 ) 오늘: today , 우리: we , our , 멋지다 : to be cool , 날 : a day , 오다 : to come , 한참 : a long time , 기다리다 : to wait , 순간 : moment , 특별하다 : to be special, 너 :you ( casual) , 나 : I , me ( casual) , N만 : only N , 위하다 : to be for , 하루 : a single day , 되다 : to become, 지치다 : to be tired, , 맘 : heart , 던지다 : to throw, 여기 : here , 함께 : together, 즐기다 : to enjoy
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
(Hot Hot Hot)
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
(Hot Hot Hot)
눈부신 너와 나의 지난 얘기 (G14,53,7)
dazzling your and my past stories
( Our dazzling stories of the past)
(Hot Hot Hot)
더 뜨거워진 우리 사이 (G14)
more got hotter our relationship
( Our relationship that has gotten even hotter)
(Hot Hot Hot)
꼭 잡은 두 손 느껴지니? (G14,23)
tightly held two hands ( you) feel?
( Do you feel our hands held tight?)
(Hot Hot Hot)
Oh yeah
우리들만의 Holiday (G7)
Our only holiday
지친 하룰 벗어나
tired day escape
( We escape tired days.)
짜릿함에 날 맡겨
electric feeling me trust
( I trust myself in the electric feelings.)
너무 완벽한 Holiday (G14)
So perfect holiday
오늘이 가기 전에 (G3)
today going before
( Before today is over,)
좀 더 즐기는 거야 (G50,41)
a bit more enjoy
( Enjoy a bit more. )
Like this
맘이 가는 대로 (G113)
heart go as
( However our hearts go,)
특별한 날을 만들어 (G14)
special day make
( Let’s make a special day.)
너와 나 (G53)
( You and I )Ho-Ho-Holiday Ho-Ho-Holiday
Ho-Ho-Holiday It’s a holiday yeah
단어) 눈부시다 : to be dazzling, 너 : you ( casual) , 나의 : my ( casual) , 지나다 : to pass , 얘기 : story , 더 : more , 뜨겁다 : to be hot , 우리 : we , our ( casual) , 사이 : relationship, 꼭 : definitely, 잡다 : to hold , 두 손 : two (both) hands, 느껴지다 : to feel , 우리들 : our , we, N 만: only N, just N, 지치다 : to be tired , 하루 : a day , 벗어나다 : to escape, 짜릿함 : electric feelings, 날 : me ( casual) , 맡기다 : trust , 너무 : so , too , 완벽하다 : to be perfect, 오늘 : today, 가다 : to go , 전에 : ago , before , 좀 : a bit , 더 : more , 즐기다 : to enjoy , 이대로 : like this, 맘 : heart , 특별하다 : to be special, 날 : a day , 만들다 : to make , 나 : me , I ( casual)
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